Saturday, January 9, 2010

My dreams, they aren't as empty as my conscience used to be

If you've seen the movie Up In The Air with George Clooney, then you will surely know of the Backpack theory (referred to as What's In Your Backpack?). Basically, we go through our lives with a backpack on filled with family, friends, acquaintances, possessions, etc etc, and they weigh us down. Clooney's character suggests emptying the backpack (he actually says to burn it, but I think that may be extreme when we're talking about people). If you've seen the movie, then perhaps you learn the life lesson that you don't really want to empty, or burn, the backpack. I, on the other hand, have decided that emptying the backpack is good. Emptying also being extreme; I like to call it lessening the load. However, there's people and things I can't seem to throw out, so to speak. Kind of like when I go through my Facebook friends list. There are people I don't speak to, care about, or even bother to creep, but I can't seem to delete them from the list. Maybe that's why you're supposed to burn the backpack - no discrimination.

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