Friday, August 13, 2010

Nothing left to lose

I kind of don't recognize myself anymore. I don't mean that in a depressive, I'm-so-lost kind of way. I am just amazed at how much this summer has changed me. Or maybe it's not me, but circumstances. Either way, I feel barely recognizeable.

I'm dating someone great, which is not what I am used to. I don't expect a pity party, but let's be honest; I've had terrible choice in suitors in the past.

I've graduated and, with almost certainty, will not be returning to school next month. There's still the off-chance I will be accepted off of the wait list, but I'm more than willing to work for the year and re-apply.

My grandmother passed away. Last summer my dad's mom passed on, and this summer my mother's mom has left us. This leaves me with no living grandparents. My mother's mom was always the grandparent I was closest to, so this death hit me the hardest. Still, her quality of life was no longer good, and as everyone likes to point out, "it [was] for the best."

I don't hang out with the same crowd or in the same fashion. The only carry-over from last summer is really music trivia, and even that is slowly losing its charm. I'm not sure where I stand on this issue (not music trivia). I've never really been a social creature, but I feel like I need to take some initiatives in this regard.

How's that for truth?

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