Thursday, May 5, 2011

Santa is cheap

Recently I visited my friend RG's apartment and saw that he, like me, had a Dalhousie Science Calendar. I commented that I had the same calendar, a Christmas gift. RG gave me a weird look.

"Aren't you a Science alum?" he asked. "They give you a free calendar every year."

My father has been giving me his free Dalhousie Science Calendar for Christmas for three years now.

That's not so bad, right? In fact, it's pretty selfless to give up a really awesome calendar so that I can enjoy it, right?

Well it wouldn't be so bad, if this wasn't a continuing trend in our relationship.

When I was eight or nine years old, I entered my name into a contest at my optometrist. The grand prize was a lifesized toy dog (conveniently wearing eyeglasses).

For Christmas, Santa Claus gave me a giant toy dog that was wearing eyeglasses. I think you see where I am going with this. My parents gave me the dog that I had won. I must have forgotten I entered the contest, because it wasn't until many years later that I discovered their scam.

I don't actually harbor any resentment towards my parents though, don't worry.

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