Friday, July 31, 2009

'Til Sith do us part

I'll preface by saying that every little girl, tom-boy or not, has at one point in her life thought/dreamed about her future wedding. I can honestly say none of my ponderings ever lead me in the direction of what is to follow.

I stumbled across an article (well, more-so blog entry if we want to be specific) with photos from themed weddings. Now, marriage has become a bit of a joke, I suppose, with the divorce rate sitting around 50%... But call me a hopeless romantic, I would still like to believe that there is some seriousness to a union of two people under the Law and God's eyes (if you believe in the latter).

You can check out what I am referring to here.

The most baffling would have to be the digital camera and memory card picture... you'll see.
edit: Is there supposed to be some sort of metaphor to the memory card and camera... like how he will "stick it in her"? I don't even know if he's the groom, it could be the camera case... which leads to a weirder metaphor... but maybe he likes it that way.


  1. I think you're ruling out the idea of transgender cameras and memory sticks. The height of ignorance.
