Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Got no time to take a picture, I'll remember someday

This Sociology and Social Anthropology of the Body take-home exam is really taking its toll on my brain. In the first question alone I've had to explore Shilling's views on naturalistic and socially constructed views of the body, taking into account Foucault, Douglas, Goffman, and countless other theorists. It's tiresome to say the least. So far, I have a huge amount of notes on social constructionist views and three lines for naturalistic views, even though naturalistic views are what I am majoring in basically (naturalistic views of the body are scientific!). I really enjoyed the course all semester, but this take-home is seriously compromising my positive views of it now.

On top of this stress bomb, I am preparing for my physiotherapy interview on Saturday, studying for my Social Psychology exam on Monday, and attempting to pack my entire life up to take home to PEI.

I need to get my anxiety under wraps.

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