Saturday, December 12, 2009

Boys blowing up our phones

Christmas shopping quickly degenerated into one-for-me-one-for-you shopping today after my exam. I bought myself a new hoodie (a necessity at this time of year, really) and a piece of artwork (lobster shanty, traps, water, and boat - the most maritimes print ever). The print has been added to what I will describe as the only artisitc corner of my room. It has a large seahorse "statue", an even larger wire Eiffel Tower, and now this maritime-y print. Never let me decorate a house/room/office/anything.

Artistic corner:

In unrelated news, I miss having a boyfriend because now I never know if solo boy hangouts are dates. I don't think they are dates, but I can't tell what these boys think. And I'm pretty sure when the boy offers to pay, it IS a date. How am I so freakin' awkward?

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