Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bad to the bone

After making my anti-Valentine list, I was in a list making mood. I decided to compile a list of my favorite movie villains. The only real requirement for the list was that I had to have seen the movie. I've even tried to order the villains, which was extremely difficult, but I think I did a pretty good job. So, without further ado, my favorite villains of the cinema.

25. Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) – The Matrix series
Not only can Smith become any human avatar in the Matrix, but he can also bend the rules of the Matrix (gravity, limitations of the human body, etc.) and communicate instantaneously with all other agents in the Matrix. A bit of a triple threat, if you will.

24. The Shark – Jaws
Okay, so the shark may not have any dialogue, but he still strikes fear into my heart. And dialogue or not, John Williams's music is a terrifyingly ominous addition to the "character". I'm just glad Prince Edward Island beaches aren't known for their sharks, or this movie may have ruined summers for me.

23. Col. Hans Landa (Christopher Waltz) – Inglorious Basterds
Not necessarily your typical villain, although he is a Nazi, making him easily detestable. What I mean is, short of being a Nazi, he's small and kind of laughable. The only person he actually hurts in the movie (instead of getting his henchmen to do it) is a woman. What does that tell you? He is an evil little man though, and he got what he deserved (thank you Brad Pitt).

22. Chucky (Brad Dourif) – Child’s Play series
Chucky may be a doll, but fuck he is a creepy one. I remember seeing this movie when I was a kid and I definitely had trouble sleeping after watching it.

21. Gollum (Andy Serkis) – Lord of the Rings series
Gollum is not a typical villain at all. You even end up feeling sorry for the little guy by the end of things. The ring's power over the once-hobbit really does a number on him, making him more than a little dangerous. You can't tell me he didn't creepy you out when you first saw him, even if he is pathetic.

20. Pennywise (Tim Curry) – It
If anyone ever wants to know why people dislike clowns and find them creepy, tell them to watch this movie.

19. Headless Horseman (Christopher Walken) – Sleepy Hollow
Christopher Walken is honestly one of the creepiest looking actors I have ever seen.

18. Harry Walters (Ralph Fiennes) – In Bruges
The funny thing about In Bruges is that technically all the characters are villains. I mean, they're all hitmen. But Harry Walters, the boss, ends up being the movie's villain. You have to admire his dedication to his principles though, even if he was mistaken.

17. Maleficent (Eleanor Audley) – Sleeping Beauty
You may laugh that a cartoon villain made it to #17 on my list, but let me tell you, my mother used to read me this story every night (upon my request) when I was about 4-5 years old, and it would give me nightmares every single time. Now that I'm older, the movie doesn't have that effect, but Maleficent is still a favorite. Especially when she turns into a dragon.

16. Auric Goldfinger (Gert Frobe) – Goldfinger (James Bond film)
I'm not sure what it is about Goldfinger that I like so much, but it doesn't hurt his case that he is the villain in my favorite Bond film. It's also pretty badass that a girl gets killed by being covered in gold body paint (dying from epidermal suffocation).

15. Regan MacNeil/Satan (Linda Blair) – The Exorcist
Regan gets possessed by chatting with "Captain Howdy" on her Ouiji board. This film is a horror classic. I can honestly say, one of the creepiest things I've ever seen is Regan spider-walking down the stairs (sadly it's cut from the somewhat recent re-release). I can't watch this film in a house alone, it's just too much.

14. Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) – Harry Potter series
Voldemort's a pretty typical villain. I love that Fiennes plays him.

13. Samara Morgan (Daveigh Chase) – The Ring
When Samara comes out of the TV it really scares me. A lot.

12. Bill the Butcher (Daniel Day-Lewis) – Gangs of New York
Daniel Day-Lewis does an awesome job playing the Butcher in this movie. You just love to hate him.

11. Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen) – Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
A good old fashioned horror movie with a chainsaw wielding nutcase, what more could you ask for?

10. Captain Vidal (Sergi Lopez) – Pan’s Labyrinth
An example of Vidal's evil can be seen when he brutally executes two farmers for supposedly aiding the rebel cause. After they are killed, he discovers they were innocent. Instead of taking responsibility, he blames his men. Really stand up guy.

9. The Joker (Heath Ledger) – The Dark Knight
Definitely Ledger's best cinematic performance. He truly embodied the Joker and really lived the role.

8. Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) – The Shining
I've read the book and seen the movie. This is Jack Nicholson in his prime. The part where he takes an axe to the bathroom door? Gives me the willies.

7. Tommy Devito (Joe Pesci) – Goodfellas
Crazy man with a very short fuse. Wouldn't want to be on his bad side.

6. Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) – No Country for Old Men
Great movie, great villain. And what a sadistic choice of weapon.

5. Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) - Psycho
Truly creepy and definitely some mommy issues in the mix.

4. John Doe (Kevin Spacey) – Se7en
Spacey's character kills using the seven deadly sins as inspiration. The lust murder was extremely hard to watch. Not that any of them were particularly pleasant.

3. Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) – American Psycho
I can't even explain how good this movie is and how great Bale does playing this character.

2. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) – The Silence of the Lambs
As far as villains go, Hannibal Lecter is one of the most recognizeable ones. He is extremely smart and cunning. Plus, he eats people. Gross.

1. Darth Vader (David Prowse & James Earl Jones) – Star Wars
Possibly the most iconic and wellknown villain of all time. Vader is extremely powerful, ruthless, and not somebody you want to mess with. He also has his own theme song, The Imperial March (John Williams). Easily my favorite villain.

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