Friday, March 5, 2010

Bang bang, she shot my boner down

What I would like to know, first of all, is where Urban Dictionary was when I was in elementary school and was too innocent to know what terms like "spooning" meant? Who was I going to ask? My parents? Never. Urban Dictionary could have saved me a lot of sleepless nights trying to figure out what jokes like "Bowlers do it with 3 fingers" meant. Okay, so these things didn't keep me up at night. But I really was innocent and was often confused by what the English kids talked about. Boy were we sheltered in French Immersion.

How did I ever get on to this topic? DAGGERING. Ever hear of it? I hadn't. And now that I am 21 years old and have access to the Internet, nothing can stop me from finding these things out.

"Daggering is a Jamaican term used to describe extremely rough sex where the penis is used in a dagger-like fashion to repeatedly stab at the vagina in a violent and plundering manner. Daggering can be dangerous to both parties and can cause traumatic genital injuries and horrific mutilation of the junk."

The more you know.

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