Sunday, March 7, 2010

Is it me, or is this over?

Last night Carlye and I were planning on going downtown, we really were. We were going to meet up with Connor and Charlie and do something fun and get really drunk. Maybe dance. Probably yell. The usual.

Anyway, Connor bailed. Story of our friendship/whatever we had. Carlye and I thought maybe we would still go downtown. But no. We started playing our new Wii Decasports, and we couldn't even fathom leaving the house. We speedskated, kendo'd, played hockey, darts... it was quite the evening.

So needless to say, I didn't go out all weekend and I don't even care. This is my life.


  1. amen sister, I've spent more time outside on our swing than anywhere else this weekend. Snoozing, sometimes reading. I can't bring myself to do anything else, and I'm so happy doing nothing.

  2. I think so, but I am okay with it
