Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What the fuck is UP, bro?

Considering it's only 2 PM, a lot has happened thus far today. I guess that is bound to happen if you start your day early enough, like 8:30 AM early enough.

First, my SOSA boyfriend (mysterious, Buddy Holly glasses, sXe, and tattoos... remember him?) shaved his head over Spring Break, without even consulting me! He looks kind of like Edward Norton in American History X, except no Swastikas from what I can see. He was, however, fully clothed. Also, no facial fair. But yeah. Regardless, I was pretty crushed by this development.

Also in my SOSA class, we were doing a lecture on the civilized body, and it somehow turned into a brief lecture/discussion on bros. I kid you not. And, apparently, bros like to drink Coors Light. Kind of doubting the accuracy of the data.

That's actually all that has happened so far today, I lied when I said a lot. To be fair, all I've done since I woke up was go to my SOSA class, then come home and listen to music. Busy bee.